4 replies on “Merry Christmas to all my Gentle Readers”
And a Happy Christmas to you too!
I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a very happy, prosperous and creative New Year. Keep writing, you have a great talent.
.. And you you as well!
Well, a new year, another year. I begin thinking about them a bit differently now that I will soon close my 70th year on Earth. It seems that life is a project that only begins to make a sort of hazy sense at my age, except that all of the landmarks for navigation have changed so much this past quarter century that it is still difficult to plot a bearing and course on this rolling ocean of time. I can’t say I’m much less lost than I was at the beginning. But I can say I understand the nature of life better now. Life is full of wandering. And in fact, that might be its primary meaning—we are forced to explore whether we wish to or not. We learn to be nomads, at least spiritually if not physically. And I have learned not to regret anything except selfishness. I hope that the believers in reincarnation are correct (I have become one myself, by the way) and I get another chance at this life project, or many more chances, and I hope I retain more of this life in the next. I hope I remember early on that contentment in life IS the goal and it can be found much earlier than three score, ten years if one stops striving for shallow successes, opens his eyes and ears to Nature, lengthens his sites into the future, and accepts with gratitude the gifts Heaven provides each day.
Peace on you, my friend, Lopamudra, and may each year be joyful, with blessings filling your days like songbirds in your skies. By the way, I haven’t visited your site here in quite a while, but what a pleasurable experience you have created! Thank you.
And a Happy Christmas to you too!
I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a very happy, prosperous and creative New Year. Keep writing, you have a great talent.
.. And you you as well!
Well, a new year, another year. I begin thinking about them a bit differently now that I will soon close my 70th year on Earth. It seems that life is a project that only begins to make a sort of hazy sense at my age, except that all of the landmarks for navigation have changed so much this past quarter century that it is still difficult to plot a bearing and course on this rolling ocean of time. I can’t say I’m much less lost than I was at the beginning. But I can say I understand the nature of life better now. Life is full of wandering. And in fact, that might be its primary meaning—we are forced to explore whether we wish to or not. We learn to be nomads, at least spiritually if not physically. And I have learned not to regret anything except selfishness. I hope that the believers in reincarnation are correct (I have become one myself, by the way) and I get another chance at this life project, or many more chances, and I hope I retain more of this life in the next. I hope I remember early on that contentment in life IS the goal and it can be found much earlier than three score, ten years if one stops striving for shallow successes, opens his eyes and ears to Nature, lengthens his sites into the future, and accepts with gratitude the gifts Heaven provides each day.
Peace on you, my friend, Lopamudra, and may each year be joyful, with blessings filling your days like songbirds in your skies. By the way, I haven’t visited your site here in quite a while, but what a pleasurable experience you have created! Thank you.