This says GOD YHWH, the GOD of Israel and of creation :
“Hear, o ye children of men, I AM the One and Only holy righteouss GOD of the universes. I AM.”
“Listen carefully : I created them by My Words in the power of My almighty Being and Spirit. I AM. No-one was My teacher how to do it… and how to call the things into existence so that they would be. I AM. At this moment I show all worldwide the tensions and the departure of Biden of the USA and the “new president”, who was earlier… and has now his second term, like I prophecied already during his first term. I AM. Many are shocked about his utterances concerning several parts of the world/nations… that he wants to bring under his control. But he will do what he has to do to be a deceiver in disguise. For many love mammon more than Me and My Son Y.H.W.H. and Our holy heavenly Kingdom and Our holy righteousness. Many have more lusts and desires for wealth and the riches and sources of the earth than they really have love to Me and My holy Reign. I AM. Therefore I sent them all disasters, plagues, illnesses and diseases and judgments in all areas, because they… in reality… do not love Me nor My beloved Glorified Son Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesous Christos/ Jesus The Christ nor Our holy Eternal Truth. I AM. They all chose or choose to love mammon more than Our Heavenly Glorious Kingdom and Eternal Glory with Us. I AM.
My holy Son said : “My Kingdom is not of this world…” and “The son of men has no pillow to lay His head on.” I AM.
You are living in the days of the fulfillment of the Apocalypse/ Revelation of GOD and Jesus The Christ and GOD’s judgments poured out upon mankind. My holy wrath will be seen and experienced by all who rejected Me and My works of saving grace IN Christ Jesus and His blood. Many are fallen away. Many followed/follow Satan/Lucifer and their New World Order-agenda and their evil and wickedness… and allow the evil ones to rule and to reign and to deceive and betray mankind… and allow and even help that evil is even spread and glorified by the movies and all abominations of the media. I AM. The evil and wickedness that is sown by Satan in the hearts and brains and spirits and minds of his co-workers will be revealed in the days of temptation.I AM. Woe to all who left Me, the True and Only holy Righteous GOD… and Source of Life and of True Justice and Righteousness and Judgment. I AM.
Nevertheless I will keep going on to spread the LIGHT of My Glorious Gospel to all to save the elect/chosen ones from before foundation of creation. I AM.
Many deceivers infiltrated all levels in society and even in churches.
False teachings and even denying My holy Wrath and Vengeance, that is going forth all over the earth, were/are denied by some preachers and churchmembers… by which they hindered other people to understand the signs of this Endtime. I AM. Many are lukewarm and are on the Broad Road to eternal suffering, while pretending that they are saved by grace through faith, although they do not really follow My holy Son Jesus The Christ. I AM. Many love gold, silver and the riches of the earth and earthly comfort and all earthly assurances more than Me, the Almighty GOD of creation. I AM. Every time that I speak by the Holy Ghost I will reveal them their misery and nackedness before My holy Throne and their blindness. I AM. Many decades I called all to leave the Whore Babylon and The Beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth. But they did not want to follow in the footsteps of the true heroes of faith… nor in the footsteps of My Glorified Son and His faithfull disciples/apostles. They (1) loved this world and her lusts more than Eternal Life in Glory with Us. I AM.” ;
Says the LORD GOD YHWH – The Almighty One – the Great “I AM”.
Prophecy by The Wind 7.
(1) They = Deceivers and lovers of mammon/money and the world and its evil sinful lusts.