Category: Family

Signs of recovery?

My mother took a bath for the first time in 63 days since November 20, 2024. It wonder that she didn't often get infected. It must have been refreshing, before and after bathing, the expression is completely different.…

By Lectin-Free

That's the decision we've made!

As a result of discussing with my mum, we decided to post our real names and face photos if it was necessary to share our episodes and story. She says that she would like to be of some help to patients and their…

By Lectin-Free

Posts are planned soon.

I'd like to share my findings and thoughts on the #lectin-free diet with everyone through my blog and Vivaldi Social. Vivaldi SocialRecords of my daily meals.If it can be of any help, such as recipes using ingredients…

By Lectin-Free

Por que NÃO tributar FIIs e FIAGRO é uma medida importante, inclusive para a justiça econômica e social.

A isenção / não tributação é importante como incentivo à manutenção do pequeno investidor no mercado financeiro.…

By douglasralph

Hello to you :)

We’re really excited to see what you do with it. This private post is here to show you what your posts will look like and to give you a few tips on getting started. Feel free to edit it, delete it or keep it saved as a…

By laurieastor

Or severe weather change?

Despite not recovering from drug-induced Parkinsonism, my mum complained of feeling unwell and has been experiencing discomfort due to the severe weather.

By Lectin-Free

Schizophrenia struck her.

Over the last few days, my mum has been suffering from drug-induced Parkinsonism caused by “Risperidone”, which she has been taking for about 30 years. The cure became as damaging as the disease.…

By Lectin-Free

Дети прячут в голове проблемы

如果一个孩子从小就把很多事藏在心里,悲伤难过孤独无助等等等等,那等他长大,这个孩子会是什么样子? Kids burying trouble in mind…

By Чистая Вития

That was (another) year that was.....

..and frankly I'm bloody glad to see the back of it. I've been racking my brains to say anything good at all about 2024, anything even vaguely positive, and have come up with very little. So let's try listing my…

By travellinbob

Русское письмо

俄语字母表 Русское письмоRussian letter…

By Чистая Вития

You seriously need to read this post, witching AdMaiaras! :) My Mom & sister not witches. I just want more fans. Also, mafia read this post!!!!

So like, hey everyone! It's me, Maiara, writing another blog post because I seriously need my fans (The AdMaiaras) who are girls and women, to know I haven't suddenly become, like, the ho of all boys and men or…

By victoriareign

Wind in the Autumn Wetlands

A serene boardwalk curves alongside a tranquil body of water, bordered by tall reeds under a sky dotted with fluffy clouds. Bare trees line the path, adding to the peaceful atmosphere of the scene. The clouds moving as…

By fjcasella