Category: Personal

The quintessential AI-Art protest

If you're a bloke—like me, and don't quite know or understand why AI art is largely frowned upon, here's a comprehensive guide, condensed for you to read and review from. This will stay as a checkpoint for anyone who…

By nurhome2048

Phòng Khám Đa Khoa Tân Bình khám chữa bệnh uy tín chất lượng cao

Sức khỏe sinh sản không chỉ là yếu tố quan trọng đối với hạnh phúc gia đình mà còn ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến chất lượng cuộc sống của mỗi cá nhân. Trong bối cảnh nhu cầu chăm sóc sức khỏe sinh sản ngày càng tăng tại…

By phongkhamdakhoatanbinh

Don't DUMB it down because of AI

So, I have seen a lot of people writing excellent content and because their research paper, essay or writing is too good, they have to "dumb it down" or create flaws, because while they might've written the content…

By nurhome2048

How does AI Generation even work?

What is AI Generation?…

By nurhome2048

I write now and then


By Bert Schal

Is AI Editing Okay or Should We Reconsider?

(content warning of making light of historical annotations. this post is meant to be dramatic, not hurtful, but if you feel hurt, i apologize in advance.)…

By nurhome2048

Landscape of the soul

Poëzie en werkelijkheid…

By canandanann

AI and Human Stupidity—Where are we going?

I have said it before and I'll say it again. AI is no match for your human stupidity, you might as well outrun it xD…

By nurhome2048

Alternatives to using AI in your creatives

So you ask, how do I get away from relying too much on AI? I use it for grammar and editing. How do I get back to writing effectively?…

By nurhome2048

The Alignment Problem: Creatives and its Content

Someone on TV has only to say, 'Alexa,' and she lights up. She's always ready for action, the perfect woman, never says, 'Not tonight, dear.' Sybil…

By nurhome2048

What are the ethics of AI?

This article is sourced from UNESCO's documentation of "Ethics of AI"…

By nurhome2048