Category: Recent
On Tumblelogging
Un tumblelog, o tlog, è un tipo di sito web, variante del blog, la cui caratteristica principale consiste nella brevità dei contenuti testuali arricchiti da altri elementi multimediali, differentemente dai lunghi…
By palmbeach
December 14
Psalm 95:1-2 Come, let us praise the Lord! Let us sing for joy to God, who protects us! Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and sing joyful songs of praise. Psalm 69:30-32 I will praise God's name in song and…
By theophan
The Truth About Money and Happiness: Why Your Net Worth Isn't Your Self-Worth
We've all heard the saying "money can't buy happiness," but the reality is a bit more nuanced. Recent studies have revealed an fascinating insight: while happiness does increase with income, this correlation has a…
12.14 早报 | 在Sun Peaks滑雪度假村失踪的滑雪者被发现身亡;卑诗省政府承诺永久保护Fairy Creek流域;涉嫌劫车者拒绝在B.C.-美边境停车,引发跨州追捕
在Sun Peaks滑雪度假村失踪的滑雪者被发现身亡…
Een korte toespraak... ( Dutch.NL.EU.)
Nokia 9500 Communicator - min første smartphone
Nokia 9500 Communicator, annonceret den 23. marts 2004, var en af de avancerede mobiltelefoner i sin tid. Her er nogle af de vigtigste funktioner og karakteristikker:…
By nesega
Tip #617
Take screenshots of full web pages with the Capture Page tool. Have you ever tried to take a screenshot, but the target area doesn't fit on your screen? In Vivaldi, you can screenshot whole web pages, including the…
By Vivaldi Tips
12.13 晚报 | 俄罗斯对乌克兰能源设施发动大规模空袭;以色列空袭加沙邮局造成至少30人死亡;安省未公开建议转向天然气替代能源的报告
安省未公开建议转向天然气替代能源的报告 尽管收到专家建议要求在2050年前逐步淘汰天然气基础设施,安省政府仍推进计划以增加天然气发电来满足飙升的能源需求。该专家建议来源于一份由Doug Ford政府委托但未公开的报告。据《The Narwhal》审查,这份独立研究的价值高达150万美元,并在政府文件和新闻稿中多次被时任能源部长Todd…
Dec. 13, 24
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: In a vision I saw a field of alfalfa being harvested in three steps. First the mowing, then the raking, and finally the baling. I believe the Lord is showing us that we are…
By blessing14
December 13
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Ephesians 6:13 Therefore put on the…
By theophan
What's Bandcamp?
Earlier this year, one of my favorite bands left their label, recorded a new album, and released it as a digital download from their own website. The hour it was due out, I headed to their site, and after several…
By David Blue