Category: Recent

2.22 简报: 暴雪袭击多伦多 市民出行困难重重;多伦多男子因杀害前女友被判一级谋杀;多伦多议员Michael Thompson性侵案庭审继续,原告详细描述遭遇

多伦多大雪后近一周人行道和公交站仍未清理 自2月12日以来,多伦多已累计降雪超过50厘米,市政府表示,完全清理这些积雪可能需要3周时间。然而,一些市民认为,市政府应该更快清理人行道和公交站。距多伦多连续两场大雪的第二场已经过去近一周,许多人行道和公交站依然未被清理干净。这造成了行人和通勤者的困扰。…

By torontochinesenews


Cluj. Twilight. Yesterday.…

By Cezar

My Morning Mind

My morning mindis the mind that craves for coffeeas its first unformed thought of the daythat watches the light before the sunriseburn up the skies with beauty,that sits on a chair with a good bookopen to anything it…

By canardlilies

As is

By not knowingwhat I am, I wasbeing myself.By knowingmyself,who am I?Not me -just another stranger stranger.I know that Idon't knowwho I am.And that's fine.…

By canardlilies

Did you have a good sleep?

Did you dream? What did you dream?Do you remember your dreams?Nobody remembers theirsanymore. You wish you could hit‘resume’like that’s possible!…

By canardlilies

This younger friend of mine, today 

tells me her freshly teenage sondoesn’t want to be seen in publicwith either her or his father the little angel whoused to be so simple-such a perfect child-is ashamed of her. She told him that it hurts herwhile the…

By canardlilies

The Great LOVE of The Eternal One...

By The Voice in The Wind.

tänker på andra

Andra civilisationer på andra planeter alltså!…

By hjkp


Een klant belt. “Vorig jaar heeft u mijn stereo-installatie gerepareerd, maar nu doet hij het weer niet.” Dat kan gebeuren, uiteindelijk maakt het niets uit of een apparaat jaren of een paar weken oud is, ze kunnen…

By robertlogger


Grafika pełna obaw, ale i nadziei. …

By Danuta

I Plan... To Do Nothing

In my semiregular (so far) posts, since I started blogging, I've stated some truly bland opinions. I've written about how I don't like people being rude to me, or that I don't like people trying to strike up a…

By stargazer42

Feb. 21, 25

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Take this day to reflect on the goodness of the Lord. Instead of moaning and complaining about your troubles, spend time being grateful for your salvation and His provision…

By blessing14