Category: Recent

Hello to you :)

We’re really excited to see what you do with it. This private post is here to show you what your posts will look like and to give you a few tips on getting started. Feel free to edit it, delete it or keep it saved as a…

By bruraym

Jan. 7, 25

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Procrastination is your enemy that fills you with dread and causes you to be anxious. You must set your will to do what needs to be done today and every day. Do not put off…

By blessing14

AMD, you infected my PC with zombies!

In spring 2024, I completed Vivaldi's developer build assistance transition from Goma to the newer Reclient system. Goma and Reclient are remote build assistance that can perform compilation of files that you need to…

By Yngve

January 07

Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.…

By theophan


佛教歷史上的今天 2010年1月7日:…

By cultivator108


Nonstalgia …- /nɒnstæld͡ʒə/

By lonm

1月7日多伦多新闻早报 | 多伦多租金下跌,租客迎来利好市场;安大略省男子因3D打印枪支被捕;多伦多推出新廉租房系统 优先考虑等待时间最长者

多伦多租金下跌,租客迎来利好市场 据房地产专家称,多伦多的租金正在下降,公寓和公寓的租金比一年前低了数百加元。多伦多地区房地产委员会的报告显示,近年来GTA地区的租金整体下滑。Harvey Kalles Real Estate的房地产经纪人Errol…

By torontochinesenews

1.7 早报 | 特鲁多宣布辞职并休会,加拿大人问:接下来会怎样?;卡玛拉·哈里斯认证特朗普再次当选,使1月6日回归常态;美国报告首例H5N1禽流感相关死亡病例

卡玛拉·哈里斯认证特朗普再次当选,使1月6日回归常态 华盛顿——周一,美国副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯在国会联合会议上宣布,特朗普在2024年总统选举中获得胜利,赢得312张选举人票,而哈里斯自己获得了226票。众议院议长Mike…

By ontariochinese

Hvordan laver man en foto-collage

Jeg blev i dag spurgt, hvordan man kunne samle flere billeder på én side med henblik på udprintning. Jeg kom straks til at tænke på oprettelse af en foto-collage, og da jeg ikke lige havde et svar på rede hånd, måtte…

By nesega