Category: Recent
Elon Musk, naziphile
Le salut nazi brandi par E. Musk de la tribune, lors de l'inauguration de la présidence de D. Trump, deux fois d'affilée, a surpris. Non, ce n'est pas une image truquée ; la vidéo a fait le tour des réseaux sociaux. Ce…
By pabb
ça vous est déjà arrivé?
aimant, bague, argent Je me baladais tranquillement, rue de Lille à Paris, 7ième.…
By iffigues
Installation af darktable på en Mac
Fotoredigeringsappen darktable findes til Linux, Mac og Windows. Under installation på Mac skal nedenstående forholdsregler tages i ed.…
By nesega
tankar och drömmar
Under natten som gick var det lite oro pga problem med en tand, eller vad det nu är, som känns och fortfarande gör sig påmind. Det klart att tankar om vad det kunde innebära i form av besvär och problem om det visar sig…
By hjkp
1.21 晚报: Oshawa住宅火灾致一男子死亡;极地涡旋将大多伦多地区带入严寒;多伦多东区一车辆坠入安大略湖 一人伤势危急
Oshawa住宅火灾致一男子死亡 据Durham警方消息,周一晚间,Oshawa一处住宅发生火灾,一名男子被救出后因伤势严重在医院不治身亡。消防部门于当晚8点左右接到报警,赶到位于Centre和Gibb街附近的事故现场。消防员在屋内发现该男子,并立即将其送往医院抢救,但最终未能挽回其生命。警方表示,初步证据显示火灾并无可疑之处。目前,安大略省消防局正在对此事进行调查。🔗…
not a script
(function() {'use strict'; // Create a DIV CONTAINER const body = document.body; const divContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'fixed'; =…
By awodore
Why I wont use a chatbot
tl;dr (Summarised by me, not a bot): Being able to produce, even poorly, is an important step in learning knowledge and skills.…
By lonm
Signs of recovery?
My mother took a bath for the first time in 63 days since November 20, 2024. It wonder that she didn't often get infected. It must have been refreshing, before and after bathing, the expression is completely different.…
By Lectin-Free
That's the decision we've made!
As a result of discussing with my mum, we decided to post our real names and face photos if it was necessary to share our episodes and story. She says that she would like to be of some help to patients and their…
By Lectin-Free
My logos throughout the years
You know how my logo looks like now, right? It's this right here. I know, it's very beautiful!…
By Andrecon
Uncensored • Cenzúrázatlan
The real world without filters, as I see it with my own eyes. A való világ szűrők nélkül, ahogyan a saját szememmel látom.…
By Cezar