Category: Recent
spectroscopic observation on 3 jan. 2025
After a day of cloudiness and rain, it cleared up briefly in the early evening. I was just able to get a spectrum in high resolution of gam Cas. Afterwards, clouds kept drifting in and further observing was impossible.…
By astrobry
1.4 晚报 | 环境加拿大警告南安大略部分地区或迎40厘米以上降雪;美国加拿大双栖摔跤明星Sweet Daddy Siki逝世,享年91岁;多伦多警方警告:冒充警察电话诈骗频发
环境加拿大警告南安大略部分地区或迎40厘米以上降雪 环境加拿大警告称,至周日南安大略部分地区可能会有20至40厘米或更多的降雪。以下地区已发布暴雪警告:Newmarket、Georgina、北约克区、Barrie、Collingwood、Hillsdale、Uxbridge、Beaverton、北Durham区和Orillia。…
Jan. 4, 25
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: To those who have been under a great deal of stress and tension, you must set your heart and mind to purposefully relax. The strain is not good for you emotionally, mentally…
By blessing14
January 04
Psalm 146:5 Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. Philippians 3:14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.…
By theophan
Hjælp et familiemedlem med digital post
Ovennævnte er en kopi af opslag på min digitale post den 1. januar 2025…
By nesega
execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element)
element = driver.find_element(By.XPATH , "/html/body/~~~~/div/span/button") driver.execute_script(";", element)…
By tadyas
J.D. Souther — Live At Farm Aid 1986 — "You're Only Lonely"
J.D. Souther, one of the songwriters of my era. A beautiful song, sung as only he could.…
By daletucker
1月4日多伦多新闻早报 | 多伦多警方警告:冒充警察电话诈骗频发;专家预测2025年GTA房市或因利率下调和按揭规则变化而加速;加拿大逃犯前奥运选手Ryan Wedding或仍有“杀手网络”
多伦多警方警告:冒充警察电话诈骗频发 多伦多居民需警惕一种电话诈骗,骗子使用真实的多伦多警方电话号码来获取个人信息。多伦多警方表示,他们已经收到多起关于骗子冒充警察打电话的报告。根据周五的新闻发布,骗子利用来电显示欺骗技术,使电话看起来像是来自合法的企业或政府机构,例如多伦多警察局,但实际上并非如此。来电显示的电话号码是(416)…
Debes alejar tu mente de ella
Les comparto este cartón que encontré en Facebook. La situación que se describe en el cartón es algo que me sucede de manera frecuente. Ojala y pudiera alejar mi mente, en mi caso, de él. Hay días en que todo el tiempo…
By mozosoltero
1.4 早报 | 特朗普“封口费”案判刑定于1月10日,法官暗示无监禁时间;Google向加拿大新闻集体支付1亿美元换取《在线新闻法》豁免;专家预测2025年GTA房市或因利率下调和按揭规则变化而加速
前安省议员因无家可归感叹政界人士的帮助让他倍感谦卑 曾在Scarborough地区担任政治家长达30年的Lorenzo…