Category: Recent

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse venenatis placerat semper. Ut dapibus interdum felis non dictum. Praesent nec tortor urna. Aenean molestie rutrum massa quis auctor. Aliquam erat…

By jqueralt

December 31

John 8:31-32 Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, “If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed…

By theophan

12月31日多伦多新闻早报 | 多伦多警方警告GTA地区出现涉及美国号码的敲诈骗局;多伦多及GTA地区周日发布暴雨和浓雾预警;多伦多迎接2025:滨水烟火表演与弹出式演出齐上阵

多伦多两家商店遭锤子抢劫,一人被捕 多伦多警方正在调查周一晚上发生的两起商店抢劫案,这些案件涉及使用锤子的窃贼,目前已有一人被捕。警方表示,第一家商店Chow Tai Fook位于Fairview Mall,之前在12月16日也曾被抢劫。周一晚上的抢劫发生在8:43左右,四名持锤子的嫌疑人抢劫了这家珠宝店,警方接到报警后迅速赶到现场。警方发言人Cindy…

By torontochinesenews

Getting Vivaldi webmail...

The way to get Vivaldi webmail is absurd. …

By lunasterling

Email clients, I've known a few...

EDITED: Below, I added some material regarding Evolution mail I’ve been doing a little distro hopping lately (from KDE back to Xfce this time) as well as spending some time in Windows 11 at work. I’ve tried a number of…

By cynical13

[se00ep04] 12 things I am grateful for

I feel happy because I finally moved on with my legal capacity. I feel depressed because my plans didn't work out and when everything turned against me I started to feel sad and worried.…

By tonygroover

Daniel 2:45

Diverse elites The Canaanite ex-Judeans, removed by who removed the Jews from Jerusalem, not my words but would you not have thought that a respected, though morally bankrupt tome like the Cia's Stinkingpadoea would…

By qle


saikiryoko 2024/12/08 13:19:23 に撮影しました❤️ 前髪を切ったよ🥰

By saikiryoko


你有没有过这样的经历?晚上躺在床上,翻来覆去就是睡不着。感觉时间一点一点过去,脑袋却像打了鼓,想的事儿一大堆。 有时候闭上眼,想知道自己到底睡着了没有,醒来的时候发现自己仿佛只打了个盹。这样的夜晚,真的让人心烦意乱。…

By etherkunfu

12.30 晚报 | 世卫组织呼吁停止对加沙医院的袭击;塔利班将关闭所有雇用阿富汗女性的非政府组织;韩国代理总统下令对全国航空系统进行紧急安全检查

世卫组织呼吁停止对加沙医院的袭击 世界卫生组织(WHO)负责人周一呼吁停止对加沙医院的袭击,此前以色列在过去几天内袭击了一家医院并突袭了另一家医院。 根据巴勒斯坦民防部门的消息,上周日以色列对加沙市Al Wafa医院的袭击造成7人死亡。 世卫组织总干事Tedros Adhanom…

By ontariochinese