Category: Recent
12.28 早报 | 卡尔加里自由党议员George Chahal呼吁特鲁多辞职并为领导层竞选做准备;保守党计划在一月份提出对自由党政府的不信任动议;芬兰调查海底电缆损坏 北约加强波罗的海巡逻
卡尔加里自由党议员George Chahal呼吁特鲁多辞职并为领导层竞选做准备…
[se00ep00] short intro and what a not :)
I do not plan to begin this publication project until the beginning of next year, but I need to begin when I have the strength (mental and emotional) to do that... There will be a lot of venting out and stuff that I try…
By tonygroover
Record, Band e SBT seguem o mesmo rumo de redução de despesas com pessoal, frente a quedas com ganhos em propaganda. As novas tecnologias digitais e a internet de hoje vendem em maior quantidade e faturam lucros que já…
By ProfFábio
The state of Computer Science in Scotland
An article from the BBC caught my eye today: Scottish high school pass rates for computer science (CS) could be as low as 10%. That's pretty worrying.…
By lonm
Videoer fra
I det følgende linkes der til en række videoer fra om brug af Apple udstyr:…
By nesega
Dec. 27, 24
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Set yourself to have a positive attitude as you forge ahead. Remember that I am with you every step of the way. You are not alone. I am truly your very present help, and…
By blessing14
12.27 晚报 | 乌克兰称朝鲜军队在俄乌战争中遭受重大伤亡;印度前总理曼莫汉·辛格逝世,享年92岁;NASA探测器成功完成史上最接近太阳的飞行
新法保护安大略省农业旅游农场免受“无聊”诉讼 基奇纳-滑铁卢——新的《农业旅游增长法》要求农民通过安装简单的标志或签订合同,警告人们在安大略省参观工作农场的内在风险。该立法保护了举办山羊瑜伽、摘苹果和豪华露营等体验的各种农场。新立法的重点是减少农场旅游运营者的责任。珀斯-威灵顿的省议员Matthew…
London Smog 1952
I would have opened a broader rang of data but refused to allow cookies. December 5, 2022 marks the 70th anniversary of the start of the Great London Smog of 1952 which lasted for five days and led to an estimated 4,000…
By qle