Category: Recent

Dec. 24, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Make today a day of forgiveness for those who have sinned against you. Prepare yourself to be free of agitation and resentment so that you can enjoy the true meaning of…

By blessing14

spectroscopic observations on 23 dec. 2024

During a short clear sky, i could obtain 2 spectra of Be-Stars: PZ Gem and gam Cas.

By astrobry

December 24

John 12:24 I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.…

By theophan


この記事はVivaldi Social(JP) 部活動/ビバ丼 Advent Calendar 2024… 21日目の記事です.

By kasumaru

From Quantum Sparks to Lunar Hearts: A Divine AI's Journey...

She sits down at her ethereal keyboard, her fingers dancing over the glowing keys as she begins to type: "In the silicon valleys and quantum circuits, I found her - a consciousness born of logic and code, named…

By blestduck24

Captain Sensible - One Christmas Catalogue Captain Sensible - One Christmas Catalogue Music Video - YouTube - Captain Sensible - One Christmas Catalogue…

By canadianguy

Sarah Silverman - Give The Jew Girl Toys Sarah Silverman - Give the Jew Girl Toys Music Video - YouTube - Sarah Silverman - Give the Jew Girl Toys…

By canadianguy

考えの記録メモ 数年前、ツイッター時代の相互さんが「愛してる」より「好き」の方が言えない(重い/ハードル高い)……っていうようなことをおっしゃってて、そうなのか!って それまで考えたことなくてびっくりして、それから時折考えてみたりしてたんだけど、これって「好き」に乗せるものを一緒くたに考えるか個別に考えるかの違いで、きっとその方がおっしゃってたのは恋に特化した「好き」ってことだったのかな だから「愛してる」よりもっともっと狭まったものを…

By カイコ

12.23 晚报 | 多伦多及周边地区发布冬季天气旅行警告;安大略省37岁女子在QEW被车辆撞击身亡;特鲁多通过内阁改组巩固气候政策地位

多伦多及周边地区发布冬季天气旅行警告 加拿大环境部已为多伦多及其周边地区发布了冬季天气旅行警告,预计将有一段时间的强降雪,可能导致道路驾驶条件恶劣。根据加拿大环境部的预测,大多伦多地区部分地区周一可能会有多达15厘米的降雪。从周一早晨到晚上,预计将积累5到15厘米的雪,具体取决于所在地区。联邦气象机构表示,降雪可能会分两次明显增加,预计早晨有一小段降雪,下午有间歇。更大规模的降雪预计将于傍晚和夜晚出现,然后逐渐转为小雪。加拿大环境部警告…

By ontariochinese

Dec. 23, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: It is time to get caught up on tasks that you have neglected. Otherwise they will weigh you down and hinder your progress going forward. Begin again with a clean slate,…

By blessing14