Category: Recent

Better a Hasidic brother than a lesbian sister

Rose here and I've been playing guessing games all day today. So this saying is probably a translation from Yiddish or another language, and its meaning may not be immediately clear.…

By milkis


ガザにおける惨たらしい弾圧と虐殺がはじまってから1年が過ぎた 2年目のクリスマスを迎えようとしており、シリアでも特定の宗教に対する弾圧が始まっている…

By wvd3jkq

Pattern Recognition 2

The Fijian Triangle I think I found something new. This should go with something I had an idea about years ago. unless it bleeds out.…

By qle

December 21

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. John 13:34 Jesus said, "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one…

By theophan

Pattern Recognition

I have been trying to find a pattern for earthquakes that might be useful. So far, apart from weather forecasts, seismic signals have just two striking ones: …

By qle

Il modello opensource e la realtà

Vorrei oggi ritornare sull'argomento di cui scrivevo poco più di due mesi fa nel post La lettera agli hobbisti, il Free software e l’utente. Con gli anni i miei entusiasmi verso l'opensource si sono nettamente smorzati…

By hydor

Tip #622

Match Vivaldi browser's theme with your iPhone's theme. …

By Vivaldi Tips

Dec. 20, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: You will be inclined to think about the past and all of the ways you have been hurt, but this will not be helpful. Those times are behind you, and dwelling on them will not…

By blessing14

12.20 晚报 | 特鲁多计划内阁重组,新细节曝光;萨斯喀彻温省上诉法院裁定大拇指表情符号具有合同效力;哈利法克斯租客抗议房东非法驱逐

哈利法克斯租客抗议房东非法驱逐 新斯科舍省的一名租户Floyd Poulain在哈利法克斯的公寓被房东清空并开始翻新后,租赁官员才宣布他的驱逐无效。Poulain现年74岁,在Fairview社区的171 Main…

By ontariochinese