Category: Recent

Uncensored • Cenzúrázatlan

The real world without filters, as I see it with my own eyes. A való világ szűrők nélkül, ahogyan a saját szememmel látom.…

By Cezar

Bach on Marimba

Johann Sebastian Bach - Invention No. 13 in A minor, BWV 784, played on marimba.…

By Cezar

Uncensored • Cenzúrázatlan

The real world without filters, as I see it with my own eyes. A való világ szűrők nélkül, ahogyan a saját szememmel látom.…

By Cezar

1.21 晚报 | Oshawa住宅火灾致一男子死亡;Elon Musk在特朗普就职活动上疑似行纳粹礼引争议;美国边境巡逻队员在美加边境附近执勤时遭枪击身亡

Oshawa住宅火灾致一男子死亡 据Durham警方消息,周一晚间,Oshawa一处住宅发生火灾,一名男子被救出后因伤势严重在医院不治身亡。消防部门于当晚8点左右接到报警,赶到位于Centre和Gibb街附近的事故现场。消防员在屋内发现该男子,并立即将其送往医院抢救,但最终未能挽回其生命。警方表示,初步证据显示火灾并无可疑之处。目前,安大略省消防局正在对此事进行调查。🔗

By ontariochinese

Jan. 21, 25

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Through spiritual righteousness you can escape the penalty of sin, which is death and separation from God. Make every effort to do good and be good in every aspect of living…

By blessing14

January 21

Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:…

By theophan

Diario 21 Gennaio 2025

Ho iniziato la mia giornata con questo appunto manoscritto sull'idiocrazia. L'appunto, a ben vedere, era iniziato con alcune considerazioni sul tempo, sulla settimana, sul non riconoscere il giorno della settimana,…

By palmbeach

1.21 早报: 多伦多蓝鸟队与重炮手Santander达成五年协议,待体检通过;极地涡旋将大多伦多地区带入严寒;Chrystia Freeland今日启动自由党党魁竞选

多伦多蓝鸟队与重炮手Santander达成五年协议,待体检通过 据一位直接了解协议的人士透露,多伦多蓝鸟队周一终于签下了一名高调的自由球员,Anthony Santander将加入他们强大的阵容。这位外野手上赛季在巴尔的摩金莺队打出职业生涯新高的44支本垒打,并贡献了102分打点。由于合同尚未通过体检,该人士要求匿名。合同金额和期限尚未立即公布,但Field Level…

By torontochinesenews


佛教歷史上的今天 2011年1月19日:…

By cultivator108

I'm not a bot!

Finally, this site is alive!

By 6512345