Category: Recent
1.18 晚报 | 研究报告显示:逾万名多伦多老人未领取应得的养老金;洛杉矶地区大火遇难者母亲起诉电力公司;俄罗斯石油通过制裁漏洞流入加拿大
研究报告显示:逾万名多伦多老人未领取应得的养老金 根据Wellesley Institute和Open Policy Ontario的最新研究,超过10,000名低收入的多伦多老人未能领取他们应得的老年保障(OAS)福利。 National Institute on Aging的政策研究员John Stapleton表示,OAS的申请过程可能相当复杂,尤其是对移民而言。加拿大退休人员协会会长Rudy…
Jan. 18, 25
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: You have come to a place of understanding why you are where you are, and you have made great progress in leaving the past behind. Now it is time to look ahead and establish…
By blessing14
FCIV - File Checksum Integrity Verifier
This article discusses the File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) utility. Warning The Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) utility is an unsupported command-line utility that computes MD5 or SHA1…
By disu1950
January 18
Romans 5:3-4 …we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Colossians 3:5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the…
By theophan
1.18 早报: 极地涡旋来袭 大多伦多地区气温或降至-30℃;多伦多新工会协议可能在2025年耗资高达3亿加元;涉嫌盗窃的悍马在多伦多撞击多辆警车后男子被捕
多伦多公园发现两只雪鸮死因确认为禽流感 根据多伦多和地区保护管理局的消息,去年年底在Tommy Thompson公园发现的两只雪鸮死于一种“高度致病性”的禽流感。该管理局表示,尽管不能确认这种禽流感是否为H5N1,但这种病毒在北美已经存在多年,且具有很高的传染性,会导致感染动物的高致死率。 …
Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-Based Application
Utilities and Software Development Kit (SDK) for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-Based Applications is an add-on to the Subsystem for UNIX-Based Applications (referred to…
By disu1950
1月18日多伦多新闻早报 | 极地涡旋来袭 大多伦多地区气温或降至-30℃;两名Durham警员因致命的401高速公路追车事故被控;多伦多新工会协议可能在2025年耗资高达3亿加元
多伦多公园发现两只雪鸮死因确认为禽流感 根据多伦多和地区保护管理局的消息,去年年底在Tommy Thompson公园发现的两只雪鸮死于一种“高度致病性”的禽流感。该管理局表示,尽管不能确认这种禽流感是否为H5N1,但这种病毒在北美已经存在多年,且具有很高的传染性,会导致感染动物的高致死率。 …
GOD to the prophet EliYah-Elohim...
Por que NÃO tributar FIIs e FIAGRO é uma medida importante, inclusive para a justiça econômica e social.
A isenção / não tributação é importante como incentivo à manutenção do pequeno investidor no mercado financeiro.…
By douglasralph
Isn’t Freewallet a scam?
Freewallet is not a scam, they say. The truth? They just need to “verify you.” Long-time users apparently don’t face any issues. But who spreads such claims? It’s the people who actively promote Freewallet. Don’t…
By serhiokanzer
Vortrag auf dem Forum Strategische Innovation der Rheinischen Kirche