Category: Recent

2025 Terus Menulis Blog?

Hari kedua tahun 2025: apakah menulis blog akan dilanjutkan? Bolehlah pertanyaan tsb. diajukan di sini, walaupun bukan semata-mata urusan pemakaian Vivaldi, yang selama ini digunakan sebagai bahan blog ini.…

By ikhlasulamal

It's So Different From a Year Ago

With nearly 500 Vivaldi blog posts to my name, a year ago at the end of 2023 I gave up on posting any more because of a problem with my images not posting true to color. That was a mistake on my my part and I must own…

By robrose

Hello world!

What's poppin'? Can't resist the temptation to blog.…

By tikistitch


○開封確認を求めてくるメールの取扱い 「X-」で始まる項目は、メール送信者やサーバ側で任意に設定できる…

By pochitama


▽xlsxファイルは圧縮できない zip() API error , code13みたいなのが表示される。xlsファイルはO.K.…

By pochitama


電信八号 ○公式サイト…

By pochitama

New Year's aspirations

New Year's Quotes Like every new year, just keep challenging myself, recognising that things are not always perfect, enjoy life are problems how I deal with them, and have a great new year. It’s up to you to ask to…


Happy New Year 2025.

But remember don't use any fireworks to care of pets and wild creatures.They are really suffer from the noise of them and very often loose their lives or health.They really suffer from those fireworks and they are in…

By noramaj

Deep Dive

Equals more of the same. Deep Dive 31/12/2024 – Wind, rain, snow and ice to start 2025 Met Office weekly weather forecast UK All sorts of damage was caused by the UK Government, similar to a small scale…

By qle

La seduta del 30

Sono passati un paio di giorni e il ricordo comincia ad affievolirsi. Immagino che non sarà un racconto dettagliato ma più un resoconto manipolato e in parte immaginato. Arrivai in perfetto orario. Trovai la porta…

By Juan

Jan. 1, 2025

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: I had been praying for direction for the new year when I looked out my window to see the number 73 etched in the landscape in my view. I had never seen that before, and…

By blessing14