Category: Recent

Email clients, I've known a few...

EDITED: Below, I added some material regarding Evolution mail I’ve been doing a little distro hopping lately (from KDE back to Xfce this time) as well as spending some time in Windows 11 at work. I’ve tried a number of…

By cynical13

[se00ep04] 12 things I am grateful for

I feel happy because I finally moved on with my legal capacity. I feel depressed because my plans didn't work out and when everything turned against me I started to feel sad and worried.…

By tonygroover

Daniel 2:45

Diverse elites The Canaanite ex-Judeans, removed by who removed the Jews from Jerusalem, not my words but would you not have thought that a respected, though morally bankrupt tome like the Cia's Stinkingpadoea would…

By qle


saikiryoko 2024/12/08 13:19:23 に撮影しました❤️ 前髪を切ったよ🥰

By saikiryoko


你有没有过这样的经历?晚上躺在床上,翻来覆去就是睡不着。感觉时间一点一点过去,脑袋却像打了鼓,想的事儿一大堆。 有时候闭上眼,想知道自己到底睡着了没有,醒来的时候发现自己仿佛只打了个盹。这样的夜晚,真的让人心烦意乱。…

By etherkunfu

12.30 晚报 | 世卫组织呼吁停止对加沙医院的袭击;塔利班将关闭所有雇用阿富汗女性的非政府组织;韩国代理总统下令对全国航空系统进行紧急安全检查

世卫组织呼吁停止对加沙医院的袭击 世界卫生组织(WHO)负责人周一呼吁停止对加沙医院的袭击,此前以色列在过去几天内袭击了一家医院并突袭了另一家医院。 根据巴勒斯坦民防部门的消息,上周日以色列对加沙市Al Wafa医院的袭击造成7人死亡。 世卫组织总干事Tedros Adhanom…

By ontariochinese

Dec. 30, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: When it seems you are in a crisis, do not panic. Take the time to assess your situation and pray for wisdom. You are a child of God and precious in His sight. Trust in Him…

By blessing14

Vivaldi Community newsletter

Just received a newsletter from Team Vivaldi: Whether you’re browsing the web on your PC, laptop, tablet, phone, or even in your car you can transition between screens seamlessly with Vivaldi’s end-to-end encrypted…

By vinsync

Arkivdeling i macOS

Hvis du har brug for at dele mapper og filer på din Mac-computer, skal du ind i systemindstillingerne for at slå Arkivdeling til….

By nesega

[se00ep03] time will tell

as the new year approaches, you want it to be the beginning of something new.for me, it's the beginning of a new way of thinking about yourself and others, and hopefully, a time for my dreams to come true.…

By tonygroover

December 30

Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.…

By theophan