Category: Recent

12.20 晚报 | 特鲁多计划内阁重组,新细节曝光;萨斯喀彻温省上诉法院裁定大拇指表情符号具有合同效力;哈利法克斯租客抗议房东非法驱逐

哈利法克斯租客抗议房东非法驱逐 新斯科舍省的一名租户Floyd Poulain在哈利法克斯的公寓被房东清空并开始翻新后,租赁官员才宣布他的驱逐无效。Poulain现年74岁,在Fairview社区的171 Main…

By ontariochinese

Cuidados especiales para la salud de los ojos durante el embarazo

El embarazo es una etapa de profundos cambios físicos y hormonales que pueden afectar a diversos sistemas del cuerpo, incluyendo la salud visual. Las mujeres embarazadas pueden experimentar diferentes problemas…

By bajavision

pycurlcmd: 将 linux 的多行 Curl 命令转换为 Windows 格式并直接执行

简介 curl做为各种网络API的调试工具非常方便,技术网站上大多提供了多行 curl 命令,可直接在 Linux 或 MacOS 系统上执行。但由于Windows的多行命令格式的特点,把它们转换为 Windows 格式有点烦琐。…

By stxh

2024 J2リーグアウォーズ …

By yasuno

December 20

Proverbs 3:11-12 When the Lord corrects you, my son, pay close attention and take it as a warning. The Lord corrects those He loves, as parents correct a child of whom they are proud.…

By theophan

Is Kaneh-Bosm, Natures Multipurpose Pharmaceutical – Historical, Medical and Scriptural Evidence

Historical and Scriptural "Cannabis burst across the Western medicine horizon after its introduction by William O’Shaughnessy in 1838", as one study below states. However, use of the flower for therapeutic benefit has…

By OutOfExile_IDR § Blog

Daft Punk "TRON Legacy"

Lors de la séparation du groupe tout le monde a parlé des nombreux albums qu'ils ont composés mais je n'ai pas entendu parlé de ce merveilleux album qu'est la musique du film "Tron" composée par Daft Punk un album sans…

By Olivier


この記事は、Vivaldi Social(JP) 部活動/ビバ丼 Advent Calendar 2024 20日目の記事です。 この記事をめっちゃ要約すると…

By tasloid

Tip #621

Find out when you last visited a website in Vivaldi on Android from Site Info. …

By Vivaldi Tips

WAKE UP... ( CLIP - made with Clipchamp.mp4 )  …

By The Voice in The Wind.

Freewallet support won’t help you!

Freewallet org is not a crypto wallet. It’s not “a safe and secure crypto app”. It’s a scam! …

By serhiokanzer