Category: Recent
[se01ep08] I miss
I miss I miss the old tramp road, that exit, there is still the strength and the will to move somewhere…I miss that restless journey of the thumbs, when you rush like a greyhound and circumstances force you to stop at…
By tonygroover
gamla tankar som nya
Inne på mitt 73:e år märker jag att det kan dyka upp minnen (tankar eller?) som känns otroligt aktuella och starka, trots att de handlar om händelser eller situationer för kanske 55 år sedan eller 40 år sedan och allt i…
By hjkp
Eleven Years in Space
It could be the title of a book or a movie. Instead, it’s what really happened: eleven years of relentless activity, orbiting one and a half million kilometers from home. Billions upon billions of measurements, sent to…
By mcastel
Jan. 15, 25
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Take the next step in your progression. It may be a small step, but still significant in not getting stuck. Keep moving and growing in strength and favor, and be sure to…
By blessing14
January 15
Proverbs 31:8 Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute. John 13:15 For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.…
By theophan Anxious Dreamer
I generally like going to bed. When I'm exhausted, that's a given; it's wonderful when you get to stop fighting your tired brain's attempts to go into power-saving mode. But I also like lying in bed when I'm not in…
By stargazer42
Do not be fools... listen carefully... …
provar vidare för att lära
Kollar lite på block Har ju inte använt den här editorn så mycket tidigare men den verkar faktiskt ganska lätt att använda, slipper fundera på hur jag ska skriva och mer på att låta fingrarna följa tanken…
By hjkp
What’s This Blog For?
I created this blog site, back when I first joined the Vivaldi Community. I have neglected it (mainly due to it running Wordpress and I prefer having my lovely SSG blog, or even hand coded HTML). So I have been thinking…