Category: Recent
Martin's Office
I worked as a gardener at a mental hospital and Martin, my manager, had an office to himself in the newer part of the building. One day the hospital director decided that Martin didn't really need an office to himself…
By swayne
Conversation with the Receptionist
Her: "I'm really broke!" Me: "How broke, we got paid just last week."…
By swayne
Jan. 14, 25
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: There are things that you have put off doing that need to be done. Now is the time to take the proverbial bull by the horns, put dread aside, and get started.…
By blessing14
Combining WPML & ActivityPub
UPDATE: As of wordpress-activitypub 4.7.2, this modification is no longer needed. See the bottom of this post for details.…
By Thomas Pike
January 14
Mark 8:34-35 And He summoned the crowd with His disciples, and said to them, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose…
By theophan
3 способа отключить тачпад в Linux
Кто про что, а я снова про отключение тачпада. Ну нет на моём Asus N61 горячей клавиши под это дело, а с активным тачпадом печатать у меня тупо не получается. Да, он умеет отключаться во время набора текста, но это…
By Alex Semёnov
Cacciatore di Memorie Cartacee
I libri sono dei divertenti piccoli pezzi portatili di pensiero. Susan Sontag…
By palmbeach
Droning on
We have spent 824 billion dollars building the greatest military force in the world, why can't know what the drones are? That's a quote from an American reporter to the head of Joe Biden's military advisors. Strange,…
By qle
[se01ep07] Tales from Netlabel Day 2024
as you may know, I am a big fan of Netlabels and Netaudio, if I am honest all my broadcast material is from Netlabels. I just downloaded a bunch of special releases from last year's event, and I even try to play it…
By tonygroover