Category: Recent

1.20 早报 | 以色列-哈马斯停火协议生效,安大略省家庭松了一口气;加拿大发生沙门氏菌疫情 17人住院;Chrystia Freeland今日启动自由党党魁竞选

以色列-哈马斯停火协议生效,安大略省家庭松了一口气 周日,由于以色列和哈马斯达成的暂时停火协议生效,安大略省南部的家庭终于松了一口气。Maureen Leshem的24岁表妹Romi Gonen在被哈马斯俘虏471天后,于周日获释,这是停火协议第一阶段释放的三名人质之一。同时,约有90名巴勒斯坦囚犯也将在周日获释。…

By ontariochinese

What's This ¿?

Welcome!This will be a review about some Great Tiny Windows Software… I use, daily

By Zalex108

GOD YHWH, the GOD of Israel and creation, speaks to all of mankind.

This says GOD YHWH, the GOD of Israel and of creation :…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Posts are planned soon.

I'd like to share my findings and thoughts on the #lectin-free diet with everyone through my blog and Vivaldi Social. Vivaldi SocialRecords of my daily meals.If it can be of any help, such as recipes using ingredients…

By Lectin-Free

Let's help Microsoft fix their mistakes

Introduction It's clear that Microsoft has made many mistakes in the company's lifetime, from killing anything that they buy to the creation of Windows 8.…

By Andrecon

1.19 晚报: 多伦多警方调查士嘉堡停车场拖车起火事件;研究报告显示:逾万名多伦多老人未领取应得的养老金;多伦多公园发现两只雪鸮死因确认为禽流感

多伦多警方调查士嘉堡停车场拖车起火事件 多伦多警方正在调查周六早上在士嘉堡一个停车场发现的一辆拖车起火事件。根据社交媒体上的帖子,警方于早上6:40左右回应了位于Markham Road和McNicoll Avenue附近的火情。警方称,拖车旁边的第二辆车也被引燃。消防队表示,他们已经扑灭了火灾,没有人受伤。目前,警方尚未确定火灾是否有可疑之处。🔗 来源:CBC…

By torontochinesenews

Tech Bro Fragility

The following is an opinion piece focused on current events. These views are entirely my own. …

By Will

Jan. 19, 25

The Trumpet by Bill Burns: God wants your belief to increase, and He will help the process by amplification. So, ask for the increase and believe. It is a time for an elevation of belief. …

By blessing14

January 19

Hebrews 10:39 We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. Romans 5:5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy…

By theophan

気がつけば1月も半ばを過ぎてしまいました。今年もよろしくお願いします! 毎年描いていた年始のご挨拶絵、今年はどうにも描けなくて不甲斐なしです。年末年始で一気に現実に引き戻されたのかまったくペン持てなくなってしまって。おそらく3月まではこんな感じが続きそうです。5月のイベント申し込んであるので、できたら12月のときみたいに数ページ程度でも何かできたらいいなあと思っています〜〜!…

By カイコ