Category: Recent
Vortrag auf dem Forum Strategische Innovation der Rheinischen Kirche
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition… is an IDE (integrated development environment) especially designed for developers who want to up their game and boost their productivity.
By disu1950
[se01ep09] did I live best life here?
some people in this house try to convince me that I live the best life ever and that everything that happens in my life is no accident ... what about my inner vagabond, that makes me unhappy with my life, here is more…
By tonygroover
Jan. 17, 25
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Take time out from all of the distractions of life to spend time in My presence, says the Lord. Do not just say a prayer and be on your way; truly connect quietly and…
By blessing14
January 17
Psalm 113:3 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised. Colossians 3:16 Remember what Christ taught, and let His words enrich your lives and make you wise.…
By theophan
hello world!
I have spent 10 minutes trying to make this basic test blog post, because I find this writing layout confusing ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ __ /> フ | _ _ l /` ミ_xノ / | / ヽ ノ │ | | | / ̄| | | | |…
By m4rx
Sådan bruger du snap-kommandoen i Linux
Snap er en pakkehåndteringsteknologi i Linux, der gør det nemt at installere, opdatere og fjerne applikationer. Den sikrer, at applikationerne fungerer på tværs af forskellige Linux-distributioner uden at afhænge af…
By nesega