Category: Recent

Nouveau départ (oui je sais, encore...)

Me revoilà... Après 3 ans à ne pas être "chez moi", j'ai enfin réussi à retrouver un havre où je me sens bien.…

By theforeignagent

spectroscopic observations on 7 jan. 2025

In the late evening, the clouds slowly began to move away. I started late evening spectroscopic observation of PZ Gem and gam Cas in high resolution (r~15000) and was able to obtain good spectra.…

By astrobry

Training for Work. Ten Hours of Pain.

Hey there! Welcome back to Word Garbage! How are you doing? Yesterday, I was in training for work all day long. And it was not as bad as I expected. We have to do this training every single year in the first couple…

By synaps3

add tree git bash download bin > extract > add to usr/bin/ …

By awodore

We Don't Need Expensive Data Centres and Per-Transaction costs to benefit from AI

DeepSeek AI was a wake-up call for many who assumed the "Giant Data Centre" and "Trillions in Hardware" requirement for AI was true. What's the reality?…

By jasonwdcassidy

1.8 晚报 | 安省公立院校教职工避免罢工,双方同意进入仲裁;洛杉矶山火肆虐 数千居民紧急撤离;悼念乌克兰国际航空PS752航班遇难者,数十人聚集在Richmond Hill

安省公立院校教职工避免罢工,双方同意进入仲裁 安大略省24所公立院校的谈判代表和教职工工会已同意进入强制性仲裁,从而避免了罢工。工会表示,关键问题包括工作条件、就业保障和教育质量。安大略省公共服务雇员工会代表全省超过15,000名教职员工,他们上周发出五天的罢工通知,表示若谈判无果将于周四开始采取某种形式的劳工行动。本周二,工会表示与雇主达成了“显著的福利提升”,但双方仍在一些问题上陷入僵局,这些问题将由仲裁员解决。安大略省公立院校雇主…

By ontariochinese

Jan. 8, 25

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Put your belief into action, not only through prayer, but by truly believing that I hear and answer your prayers, says the Lord. It is belief that opens the door for you to…

By blessing14

January 08

Lamentations 3:25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him… Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to…

By theophan