Category: Recent

Dream Notions

Dream Notion… - Noun

By lonm


2023年1月に投稿。 あれから月日が経過し再びKEENさんの初売りセールにお世話になってしまった。 前回購入したブーツはもちろん今でも大活躍している。 大きな不満点があったわけではないが、 たまに紐を解いたり結んだりすることが面倒に思えてしまうときがあり、 そこでショートブーツ「KEEN ANCHORAGE BOOT III…

By qk247


佛教歷史上的今天 2014年1月8日:…

By cultivator108

1.8 早报 | 特鲁多辞职对下次联邦大选时间的影响;男子因2019年万圣节派对致命刺伤被判11年监禁;三人因魁北克男子在多伦多东区被枪杀案被捕

Poilievre称自由党领袖候选人与特鲁多无异 自从创造了“Justinflation”(意指特鲁多引发的通货膨胀)一词到宣称特鲁多“代价太高”,保守党领袖Pierre Poilievre一直毫不犹豫地在其言论中直接针对总理。然而,随着特鲁多突然宣布辞职,在即将到来的联邦大选中,Poilievre将面对的是一位不同的自由党领袖。…

By ontariochinese


See if you can spot why. Yne ye goode olde daies I used to enjoy watching a forecasr rolling home a Storm at Great Britain Ireland or Norway. Then I could forecast a likely intersting earthquake. I always got them wrong…

By qle


One day I decided to take a step and it hurt less than standing still. …

By Cezar

1月7日多伦多新闻晚报 | 多伦多推出新廉租房系统 优先考虑等待时间最长者; 多伦多增设更多取暖中心以应对极寒天气; 特鲁多辞职对多伦多的影响

多伦多警方寻找涉嫌骚扰女子的佛州男子 多伦多警方正在寻找一名佛罗里达州男子,该男子涉嫌自2021年以来一直骚扰一名多伦多女子,并在本月试图闯入她的住所。警方表示,这名39岁的男子居住在佛罗里达州,自2021年以来一直通过发送不请自来的信息试图与这名未公开姓名的女子建立关系,尽管对方多次要求停止。…

By torontochinesenews

mdn web DOCS

css rule - selector declarationpsudoclasses Linkpseudoclass anchor elementCASCADE AND SPECIFITYproperties and valuesproperty+value=css declarationcss declaration + css selector = css rulepseudoclas statedecendant…

By awodore


HTML mark upCSS set ruleJS statementlet constkeyword reserve wordf= assignement== equalitycode block blocknoInitialValue undefinedcancell null|| &&fgf== ===boolean comparision logicalblocking operations prompt…

By awodore

Schizophrenia struck her.

Over the last few days, my mum has been suffering from drug-induced Parkinsonism caused by “Risperidone”, which she has been taking for about 30 years. The cure became as damaging as the disease.…


Hello to you :)

We’re really excited to see what you do with it. This private post is here to show you what your posts will look like and to give you a few tips on getting started. Feel free to edit it, delete it or keep it saved as a…

By bruraym