Category: Recent
Go is not suitable for desktop GUI apps
I’ve started playing around with Go to list files and do some file actions. It worked great; the code was done quickly, but it only had a console output. That’s when I started looking at GUI toolkits to create a file…
By cwansart
12.28 晚报 | 卡尔加里自由党议员George Chahal呼吁特鲁多辞职并为领导层竞选做准备;工会与医疗倡导者联手应对阿片类药物危机;芬兰调查海底电缆损坏 北约加强波罗的海巡逻
多伦多展出尴尬不受欢迎的礼物博物馆 这个送礼的季节,四位年轻艺术家在Roncesvalles大道上的一个画廊,开设了一个名为“坏礼物博物馆”的展览,拯救那些尴尬、不受欢迎和不合适的礼物。Shari Kasman是该博物馆的创始人之一,她展示了一些将在12月26日开幕时展出的物品。Stephanie Avery、Shari Kasman、Martin Reis和Sean…
Dec. 28, 24
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: You will find ways to solve problems that have plagued you for a while. It will most likely be something simple that you have not thought about until now, but it will be…
By blessing14
December 28
Ephesians 1:13 In you also, when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in Him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit. Hebrews 12:28-29 Therefore, since we are…
By theophan
Getting out of
Threads가 아무 잘못한 것 없는데 갑자기 내 댓글과 포스트를 막아놓았다. 아무런 설명도 없다. 그리고 어떠한 해결 통로도 주지 않는다. 이런 일방적이고 강압적인 방식의 가지고 있는 서비스를 소셜미디어라고 부르는 것도 웃기다. 한 번만 더 블락하면 쓸 이유가 있을 지 모르겠다. …
By buddhi1080
Destruction4, Butter Dogs Live: 年末STATTO大爆発2024 11DAYS~Live&Beer STATTO 25th SP!!!!!!~9日目@Statto 12.28.24
年末STATTO大爆発2024 11DAYS~Live&Beer STATTO 25th SP!!!!!!~9日目@Live&Beer STATTO…
12.28 早报 | 卡尔加里自由党议员George Chahal呼吁特鲁多辞职并为领导层竞选做准备;保守党计划在一月份提出对自由党政府的不信任动议;芬兰调查海底电缆损坏 北约加强波罗的海巡逻
卡尔加里自由党议员George Chahal呼吁特鲁多辞职并为领导层竞选做准备…
[se00ep00] short intro and what a not :)
I do not plan to begin this publication project until the beginning of next year, but I need to begin when I have the strength (mental and emotional) to do that... There will be a lot of venting out and stuff that I try…
By tonygroover
Record, Band e SBT seguem o mesmo rumo de redução de despesas com pessoal, frente a quedas com ganhos em propaganda. As novas tecnologias digitais e a internet de hoje vendem em maior quantidade e faturam lucros que já…
By ProfFábio