Category: Recent
12.26 早报 | 俄罗斯在圣诞节袭击乌克兰能源设施;查尔斯国王在圣诞致辞中赞扬医护人员的无私奉献;教皇方济各圣诞致辞呼吁世界放下武器、消除分裂
多伦多庇护所工作人员:节假期街头生活更艰难 多伦多无家可归危机前线的工作人员表示,随着天气转冷以及孤独感的加剧,节假期对于生活在街头的人来说尤为艰难。Bethlehem United的个案经理Michalina Seidl表示,不论是新移民首次在没有家人陪伴的圣诞节,还是加拿大出生的居民因各种原因无法与家人团聚,人们都难以接受自己不在家的现实。Fred Victor Bethlehem United…
Install pandoc using the Windows installer from here. Install pandoc globally using this command (using the path to the version of pandoc you downloaded):…
By disu1950
Interview with a Killer
show on Court TV. it's that Egyptian guy who killed his daughters. Yaser Sayed (sp?)…
By ajaxstardust
MiKTeX FOR WIN7 (32bit)
MiKTeX (pronounced mick-tech) is an up-to-date implementation of TeX/LaTeX and related programs. TeX is a typesetting system written by Donald Ervin Knuth who says that it is intended for the creation of beautiful books…
By disu1950
Quello che sono
Qualcuno mi dica chi sono. Ma almeno sai quello quello che vuoi? Non ti sto chiedendo se sei felice. Si ma se me lo chiedessi sarebbe più semplice. Dici? Ok andiamo per esclusione. Non sono una persona che si butta, che…
By Juan
12.25 晚报 | 俄罗斯在圣诞节袭击乌克兰能源设施;Justin Baldoni因涉嫌对Blake Lively的骚扰被前公关起诉;Imax技术革新电影产业,引领大荧幕新潮流
俄罗斯在圣诞节袭击乌克兰能源设施 周三,俄罗斯发动了大规模的导弹和无人机袭击,目标是乌克兰的能源基础设施,袭击了一个热电厂,导致乌克兰人在圣诞节早晨躲避到地铁站。乌克兰官员表示,至少有一人在第聂伯罗地区的袭击中丧生。消防员在哈尔科夫处理被俄罗斯无人机袭击的建筑物。乌克兰总统Volodymyr…
Dec. 25, 24
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Set aside time to spend in My presence and receive the benefits of being in the Spirit where you will find restoration and renewal. Whether you are aware of it or not, you…
By blessing14
December 25
Matthew 2:10-11 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down, and worshipped Him: and when they…
By theophan
Wie sieht die Gesellschaft der Zukunft aus?
Die Grundversorgung ist für alle Menschen garantiert. Ihre Lebenssituation ist dadurch sicher. Aber heute soll sich jeder für einen Apfel und ein Ei verkaufen. Heute soll jeder seine Arbeitskraft verkaufen. Für sinnlose…
By chromos
Christmas carol
original traditional english Christmas carol…
By awodore