Category: Recent
Snow in a Maritime Country
I don't know how this applies to other Maritimes, South East USA or Colombia but in Britain we have very wet snow. In a day or two it has all gone unless some fool has been testing terror weapons such as the modern…
By qle
Techscam Exceptions for Creative Commons
There are many tech scams that I think impact our cultural commons. Some of the most egregious ones recently have been DRM, GAI, and Crypto (NFTs and the like). I quite like the idea behind creative commons licensing…
By lonm
1.6 晚报 | 多伦多推出新廉租房系统 优先考虑等待时间最长者;新不伦瑞克省RCMP发布安珀警报,寻找两名青少年和一名婴儿;皮尔逊机场附近商业建筑发生大火
多伦多推出新廉租房系统 优先考虑等待时间最长者…
Jan. 6, 25
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: For those who have been anxious about what could or might happen in the future, put your belief in Me to help you navigate every challenge. You can overcome your worst fears…
By blessing14
Looking to Norway: EVs in 2024
If there is anyone who still wonders why this war is being fought, let him look to Norway. If there is anyone who has any delusions that this war could have been averted, let him look to Norway; and if there is anyone…
By jaxroam
Een vaste klant kwam de zaak binnenlopen, ze was opgelicht. Ze was in een verhaaltje getrapt over geld dat haar overleden man in bitcoins had belegd. Ze hoefde alleen maar haar creditcardgegevens te geven. Na een paar…
By robertlogger
January 06
Ezekiel 37:14 You shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken and will act. 1 Timothy 2:4 Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.…
By theophan
What is your heat strategy?
Major part of our energy goes to heating and cooling. Heat is less useful and convenient than electricity, but by using, storing, moving, exchanging, condensing and sharing it we can use it more efficiently, reducing…
By jaxroam
Ice-glazed fir • Jégmázas fenyő
Ice-glazed white-fir close-up. Jégmázas fehér fenyő közelről.…
By Cezar