Category: Recent
January 06
Ezekiel 37:14 You shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken and will act. 1 Timothy 2:4 Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.…
By theophan
What is your heat strategy?
Major part of our energy goes to heating and cooling. Heat is less useful and convenient than electricity, but by using, storing, moving, exchanging, condensing and sharing it we can use it more efficiently, reducing…
By jaxroam
Ice-glazed fir • Jégmázas fenyő
Ice-glazed white-fir close-up. Jégmázas fehér fenyő közelről.…
By Cezar
1.6 早报 | 皮尔逊机场附近商业建筑发生大火;致力于和平的长崎原子弹爆炸幸存者Shigemi Fukahori去世,享年93岁;强风雨雪袭击纽芬兰岛 6000用户断电
皮尔逊机场附近商业建筑发生大火 多伦多消防人员预计将在周日数小时内处理密西沙加一商业建筑的大火。周日上午,消防员在密西沙加一商业建筑中与二级火警作斗争。消防队员在上午8:45左右接到位于1787 Drew Road的火警报告。密西沙加消防队分队长Derrick Wilson表示,消防员到达现场时,遇到了浓烟和火焰。Wilson补充说,消防队员预计将持续到晚上。没有人员伤亡报告。皮尔区警察表示,Drew Road从Tranmere…
[se01ep02] new channel name and other works (DeepSoundDispatches)
I started the new year with a new channel branding and now I have to introduce my new name to the other most watched broadcasters.I finally got a place on the server where my next personal project in Lithuanian, Tony…
By tonygroover
Snow Snow Quick Quick Snow
The 5th woke up to a soft crystal layer an inch deep that soon became a sludge nightmare to walk on even with thick boots. Time to look at what it looked like: Surprise surprise, a line of occluded fronts (cold and warm…
By qle
1月5日多伦多新闻晚报 | 环境加拿大警告南安大略部分地区或迎40厘米以上降雪;著名惊悚小说作家Andrew Pyper逝世,享年56岁;多伦多警方警告:冒充警察电话诈骗频发
尽管取得进展,TTC表示地铁慢行区永远不会消失 多伦多——尽管TTC在减少地铁慢行区方面取得了进展,将夏季高峰时的33个慢行区减少到新年初的仅10个,但公共交通倡导者仍对慢行区的持续存在感到沮丧。自TTC在1号线和2号线引入慢行区近五个月以来,列车因维护和维修需要而必须减速。尽管TTC已经大幅减少了慢行区的数量,但这些慢行区可能会永久存在,以帮助减少对老旧轨道部分的压力。而且,在即将到来的春季几何调查后,慢行区的数量可能会再次增加。去年…
1.5 晚报 | 家人和社区寻求失踪少女Tammy Nattaway的真相;魁北克独立运动30年后或迎来新公投;加国演员Michael J. Fox荣获美国总统自由勋章
家人和社区寻求失踪少女Tammy Nattaway的真相…
Jan. 5, 25
The Trumpet by Bill Burns: God has established the season and its boundaries. He will guide us and lead us and provide light for the journey. He will counsel us and protect us and provide for us if we connect ourselves…
By blessing14