Category: Recent
January 05
Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread. Psalm 139:15 You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into…
By theophan
AutumnWinter • Őszi-téli együttélés
When winter and autumn coexist and no one knows which season it is anymore. Amikor a tél és az ősz együtt él, és már senki sem tudja, melyik évszak van.…
By Cezar
現在、何らかの権限を持っている人に協力しない態度が広く見られているのではないでしょうか。 例えば会社の上司に不平不満ばかりを言う人は多いですね。 学校の先生に不敬な態度を取る生徒も多くなっています。 自治体とか政府も、ある意味権限を持った人たちということができます。 その組織に対して所得をごまかして払うべき税金を免れたり、与えられている法律を守らない人は非常にたくさんいます。 逆に権限を持っている側にも問題が見られ、与えられている権限を…
By ky25
1.5 早报 | 著名惊悚小说作家Andrew Pyper逝世,享年56岁;美国前总统卡特的葬礼仪式今日开始;环境加拿大警告南安大略部分地区或迎40厘米以上降雪
著名惊悚小说作家Andrew Pyper逝世,享年56岁…
New Netplanet Website!!
This is a blog connected to our new website. Please check it out at…
Freewallet support won’t help you!
Freewallet org is not a crypto wallet. It’s not “a safe and secure crypto app”. It’s a scam! …
By serhiokanzer
1月4日多伦多新闻晚报 | 环境加拿大警告南安大略部分地区或迎40厘米以上降雪;多伦多警方警告:冒充警察电话诈骗频发;多伦多将开放五个御寒中心应对严寒天气
环境加拿大警告南安大略部分地区或迎40厘米以上降雪 环境加拿大警告称,至周日南安大略部分地区可能会有20至40厘米或更多的降雪。以下地区已发布暴雪警告:Newmarket、Georgina、北约克区、Barrie、Collingwood、Hillsdale、Uxbridge、Beaverton、北Durham区和Orillia。…
Talking at Strangers
When I was a kid, I tried to keep a diary on a number of occasions. The word 'tried' ought to clue you into the fact that it didn't really go anywhere. I think I had some vague idea that my diary might one day be…
By stargazer42
New Orleans on 1/1/2025
I have one question for Trump about the attack in New Orleans on 1/1/2025. What the hell was going on on Sept. 11 when terrorists flew planes into the Towers in New York, The Pentagon and the attempt in crashing at our…
spectroscopic observation on 3 jan. 2025
After a day of cloudiness and rain, it cleared up briefly in the early evening. I was just able to get a spectrum in high resolution of gam Cas. Afterwards, clouds kept drifting in and further observing was impossible.…
By astrobry